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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


Terms and conditions of using the website

By visiting, authorizing and/or registering on the website, you (hereinafter the customer) automatically agree to the terms and conditions of using the website (hereinafter the agreement), as well as the terms of confidentiality (hereinafter - the privacy policy) and all those documents that are directly indicated and/or derived from the agreement, if any.

If you do not agree with this agreement and/or the privacy policy, please stop using the website.

Remember that anyone can visit the website, however, registration/authorization on the website and purchase of products/services is allowed only for persons of age (18 years of age).


The terms used in the agreement have the following meanings:

Website -

Owner - the website and related copyright or other rights are the property of Toto's Lavenders;

Customer – any natural person who visits the website;

Visiting the website - viewing the products/services presented on the website, registration and/or authorization. Also, the purchase of products/services offered for sale or using the website in a different way (in the form allowed by law);

Privacy Policy - the privacy terms on the website, which any customer is required to familiarize themselves with and failure to agree to which automatically results in suspension of the customers's registration;

Legislation – valid legislative and sub-legal normative acts of Georgia and international treaties and agreements included in the system of normative acts of Georgia;

1. By visiting the website, the client confirms that:

1.1. Is an adult who has reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years and has the ability to dispose of own funds for the purchase of products/services posted on the website and has the right to do so (compliance with this clause is not mandatory if visiting the website is not related to the purchase of products/services or registration on the website);

1.2. The customer has familiarized himself with the agreement and the privacy policy posted on the website and fully agrees with it, therefore customer agrees to purchase the products/services posted on the website in full compliance with this agreement;

1.3. Will not infringe the copyright or related rights of the owner, will not copy and distribute all or any part of the information on the website in any form and for any purpose without the owner's consent;

1.4. Will fully, correctly and accurately provide all the necessary information, which is provided for the registration on the website, as well as for the purchase of the presented products/services;

1.5. Will not register using someone else's name, surname or other personal data, which may be: personal number, contact mobile number, address, account number and/or other data;

1.6. Will strictly protect the security and privacy of the personal account. Will not disclose to third parties the account password and other information necessary for the security of the account in order to protect the assets and other information in the customer's personal account;

1.7. Will not carry out such an action that is against the applicable legislation;

1.8. Will not take any action that will endanger the proper functioning and/or security of the website or service;

1.9. Will not use the website to create or distribute unsolicited spam;

1.10. In case of violation of the above-mentioned clauses of the agreement, customer takes full responsibility for the resulting damage, and also understands that in such a case the website is not responsible for compensation of direct or indirect damage caused to the customer;

1.11. The website is authorized to disclose and transfer the information provided by the customer if necessary and for a specific purpose:

1.11.1. to any person affiliated with the website and its authorized representative;

1.11.2. to any other person or organization with the customer's consent;

1.11.3. When there is an obligation to provide information to the relevant person or body if there is relevant requirement by the law.

1.12. The customer's use of the website or sharing any information is considered as the customers's unconditional consent to the disclosure and transfer of such information.

2. Conditions related to the purchase of products/services:

2.1. In order to purchase the products/services offered for sale, the customer must register/authorize on the website;

2.2. The consumer will select the product/service to be purchased by the customer. To get additional information about the product/service, the customer can see the additional information posted on the website or, if necessary, use the contact phone number or e-mail indicated on the website;

2.3. After selecting the product/service and successfully making the corresponding payment, the owner undertakes to send the product to the customer and/or provide the corresponding service in accordance with the delivery rules and conditions on the website;

2.4. When receiving a damaged or different product from the ordered one, the customer has the right not to accept the said product and request to replace the said product with a new one.

2.5. Within 24 hours after delivery of the purchased product, in case of discovery of a defect or other complaint, which is not caused by the customer's guilty (intentional or careless) action, the customer has the right to request the replacement of the product with a new one. Immediately after handing over the new product to the customer, customer is obliged to return the defective product to the owner/courier;

2.6. In the event that within 24 hours the customer has not complained about the manufacturing or other complaints of the products, the product is considered flawless and the customer loses the right to request its replacement or compensation for any damage, except for such a defect that could not be noticed within the mentioned period;

2.7. The website is not responsible for any defect in the products that occurred after the product has been delivered to the customer and is not caused by manufacturing defects;

2.8. In the event that the products cannot be replaced, repaired or damaged in any other way, and this damage is caused by the violation of the website's obligation to provide materially and legally flawless products, the customer has the right to choose another product of the same value or to request a refund of the paid amount;

2.9. The customer has the right to cancel the order until 00:00 on the day placing order. If the customer cancels the order after the mentioned time, customer is obliged to fully cover the transportation fee (courier). After the products have been delivered to the address specified by the customer, cancellation of the order is not allowed, regardless of whether the customer has received the products or not;

2.10. In the event that the customer cancels the order in accordance with this agreement and there is an obligation to return the amount stipulated in this agreement to the customer, the owner returns the paid amount by cashless settlement within 48 hours after the cancellation of the order / the customer's request (if this time coincides with a non-working day, then the refund will be made on the next working day);

3. Terms and conditions of payment:

3.1. The payment by the customer must be carried out only by cashless payment, which must be carried out immediately after the order is placed.

4. Restrictions on using the website:

4.1. Information on the website may be changed or removed without prior notice. The website cannot provide you with services that we believe are against the law.

4.2. The customer is prohibited from using the website illegally, which includes unauthorized access to our systems, improper use of information on the website or any other action that may directly or indirectly harm the legally protected interests of the website/owner.

5. Communication

5.1. Communication with the website is possible at the contact details indicated in this agreement and/or on the website;

5.2. The website is authorized to record calls and conversations made by any customer, for the purpose of improving and refining the service, commercial activities, as well as protecting our legal interests;

6. Terms and conditions of application

6.1. The customer has the right to make a statement (complaint) in writing regarding the action taken on the website. The statement can be of a general or specific type and is aimed at providing the website with information about the breached obligation or a general advice-recommendation.

6.2. The statement can be made in writing by sending a message to the contact details indicated on the website.

7. Website error

7.1. In the event of slow operation of the website, opening of incorrect links or graphs, as well as unsuccessful transfer or detection of other system errors, the customer must immediately connect to the contact details indicated on the website and act in accordance with the received instructions, otherwise the website will not be responsible for possible damage or loss;

8. Procedure for resolving disputes:

8.1. The parties agree that all disputes between us shall be resolved by mutual negotiation;

8.2. In case of impossibility of negotiation, the dispute is settled by the Tbilisi City Court, based on Georgian legislation;
