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About us

About Toto's Lavenders


The inspiration for creating Toto's lavenders comes from France and Britain, where there are many lavender fields. In 2020, we imported lavender of British variety from Europe, which we started cultivating in the eco-zone near Saguramo. Since the end of 2022, we have been producing lavender essential oil and various aroma products and care products, such as lavender essential oil, lavender hydrolat, scented sachets, eye pillows, mineral bath salts, massage oil, scented candle, relaxing roller, which is the best for relaxation and sleep problems, as well as body care moisturizing scrub, etc. Our products are made from environmentally friendly products and do not contain chemical additives. In addition, one of our directions is the production of lavender seedlings.

Since 2023, we have started receiving visitors on site. Customers are met at a boutique-shop, where lavender products are made, also they have the opportunity to purchase our manufactured products, seedlings and take memorable photos in the lavender field.

From the beginning, the goal of creating Toto’s Lavenders was to introduce the production of aroma products to the local market and to create the different spectacular place to attract local and foreign tourists.

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